Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Saddam's Revenge

Tonight I was talking to Devin on the phone when he began to tell me that he was feeling really horrible and had been spending a lot of time trying to throw up and not being able to. Something he ingested in Iraq just got the best of him, I suppose (he ended up being fine). And then, before I knew what happened that little compartment in his mind, which I hardly ever get stories from, opened and a related story just spouted out of his mouth before I could stop it. I really wish I had been able to stop it.

In Iraq the only source of potable water (and if I understand right, in Afghanistan too) is from the Tigress River where it gets treated and bottled and sent off to all the soldiers. And as you can imagine this story is only leading to the inevitable issue with the treatment process of the water and the madness that ensued.

He began to paint a vivid scene of him being the first one to come down with Dysentery.

Followed by an even more graphic scene depicting him and all of his squad coming down with Dysentery. 
Which then sparked another story in his memory about another day, same Dysentery, when he was out on patrol and found out he had Dysentery. 
And that is why you should never play The Gross Out Game with Devin. Ever.


  1. There will be more of these. Many more. And you will never be the same again. Sometimes I wish it was possibly to PHYSICALLY erase things from your mind, instead of trying with all your might to merely block them out (and have them sneak back up at random inappropriate moments).

  2. lol. oddly enough these kinds of stories just make me love him more. i like to play The Gross Out Game a lot but now i know i'll NEVER win. hahaha!
