Wednesday, December 7, 2011

The Beard: Terrorist?

The Beard.
A noble human characteristic which is, most of the time, unique to one gender.

The Beard.
A part of a man's face which is directly related to how well a man can perform in their given job title.

The Beard.
Terrorist? Recent data would claim so.

Today Devin was going to go into promotion board which, to most people, sounds very stupid and non-informative. Let me explain; you get spiffy, you walk in with your knowledge and your superior officers ask you many questions about your knowledge and you tell them and then they let you know if you are worthy of being promoted.

Anyways. Devin walks in and they tell him to get out because his face is not shaved close enough.

The Beard.
Terrorist indeed.

Apparently if you would like to be in a leadership position, Beard is not your friend.
I don't know how many times I've seen evil and insidious characters walking down the road with a beard and thought "I bet he couldn't lead ANYONE"

I just can't think about anyone I know that could be a good leader and also have facial hair... it's weird isn't it? Think about it, all great men in history were clean shaven.

Because facial hair is evil.
I believe that Beard is a pret-ty bad thing, friends. Because my husband is not a good leader if his shave isn't close enough.

I dunno, call me crazy... but beards and facial hair just aren't allowed in the Army because you can't be a good leader with a big distracting beard on your face.

Beards. Terrorists?

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