Thursday, January 13, 2011


Freshmen year of high school I was the new girl. I was friends with all the soccer girls but, for me being me, I was really quiet and really shy that first year. So on my birthday when I was faced in my history class with a guy handing me a rose, a small envelope attached… I was beyond flattered. I was so happy that someone had taken notice.

The note asked me to a ‘Military Ball’ and I had never been to one of those, nor did I have any clue about the military.

So I did what any young, uncomfortable girl would do. 

And that was the last I heard from him. We had a lot of classes together since then but we had just gone our separate ways. I would catch him staring at me from the back of our English class senior year, but that was it.

We graduated high school and I went to college and he went to the Army. 

Little did I know that Facebook would reunite us at the beginning of my junior year of college.

We talked. He told me he’d always liked me and I told him there was no way it could ever work because we were too different, but realizing it was unfair to judge too soon, I still wanted to give him the benefit of the doubt and get to know him. 

He told me what he'd seen, my heart broke for him. 

He told me more and more about himself until he finally realized that I hadn’t told him anything about myself. Finally, someone had wizened up to my game. I was scared but he was stubborn, boy was he stubborn. And then I finally did open up. 

I told him what I’d seen and his heart broke for me.

  From Iraq to New Mexico we had become something more.

He came back from Iraq and we saw each other. That first night we went for a walk and we sat and looked up at the starry sky.  That idiot could not take a hint and just kiss me. But at the end of the night that first kiss came and there we stood, knowing that things were only going to get tougher, only going to become more complicated.

And they did. 

On and off it went for one reason or another over the course of the next two years. Long distance, not ready for more, things like that.

And through it all, uncharacteristically, I kept every keepsake that he had given me. I tore no pictures down, I kept my Army t-shirts, I snuggled at night with the stuffed tiger he’d sent, I tucked his dog tags safely in a drawer.

In retrospect it was obvious that I knew that this wasn’t a love that would fade, nor a love that I would get over anytime soon, this was the love that I had been praying for.

After so long, across the ocean and back, in the midst of a war, through heartbreak and tears we had fallen in love, we had stayed in love, and despite every obstacle we faced we continued to love. Devin taught me what it was to fight for someone and was a better man to me from halfway across the world than any boy had ever been from two minutes drive away.

So when he asked “Will you marry me?” 

I didn’t say

I said...

Well... actually I said "Oh my gosh, you're proposing right now!? yes, yes!!! of COURSE I will!"


  1. YEAH!!! Congratulations (again) and Welcome To The Family (again) ;)

  2. I am so happy for you!! Now we just need to hang out sometime soon so I can see the ring in person.

    P.S. I think it is pretty awesome that TigerBlanket is in the ring photo!

  3. thank you so much lindsey, it really does mean a lot!!!
    and yes! kendra, of course! we will have to hang soon. things are kind of nuts right now! :s

  4. (and yes, tiger blanket is famous. devin loves him just as much as i do.. if not more. Tiger Blanket is a hit!!!)

  5. Welcome to the family! Congrats girl!

  6. I love this blog, Leslie, with this story. I am so excited for you and Devin, our family, and the years ahead! Thank you for saying yes! :o)

  7. :) I'm glad you liked it! we have so many fun times ahead!

  8. Nicely done post :)
    The ring also looks very pretty. Tell Devin I approve :) lol
    Hope you guys are having fun in Los!

  9. thank tiffy bop! you'll have to see it in real life.... someday... :P
