Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Birds... Those GD Birds.

I am an animal lover. I respect animals by default and I adore all of the creatures in this world for one reason or another. There are animals in the ocean like the Vampire Squid who employ phosphorescent bacteria in the tips of their tentacles which light up in the darkness of the deep sea in order to distract a predator while they escape.
 I respect that. Props to the Vampire Squid, that’s pretty rockin, but this isn’t to say that I would love to cuddle with him and snuggle him….

There are just certain animals where it is wonderful to observe their brilliance in nature but they are not necessarily something you’d want to live with.
And there we have it, the whole point of what I’m writing about. No, I don’t have a vampire squid nor a Colossal Squid, a Spear Squid, or a European Common Squid…. The terrors I live with are two small parrots called ‘Conures’.

One of the birds I grew up with, actually I don’t mind him so much, Binky. He used to take my binky out of my mouth when I was little hence his name.

As I said I don’t mind him that much. It’s when He came along that things got harder, that I started to fear for my life. It's when He came along that I began to understand what it was to not be able to hear yourself think. Basically imagine Satan and then put him in a little bird body and you have Him. Imagine a creature so hanis, so evil that it’s only form of communication is screaming.
 Quincy is his name, death, hatred and eating children's souls is his game.

At first I tried to be nice to Him, through a series of nice voices and clicky noises and soft whistles…. but was only lunged at with a razor sharp beak agape.  He would have no love from me. There would be no joy, no smiles, no childhood memories to reminisce with this creature living in my home. I had made an instant enemy who would quickly become the bane of my existence.


  1. haha...the vampire squid was awesome! However, I want him as "out of mind out of sight" as possible.

  2. most definitely! they are reallllly nasty looking in real life.

  3. In a hypothetical fight:

    Quincy vs. Vampire Squid

    Who would win?

  4. Quincy would eat Vampire Squids soul and leave him crying and dead at the bottom of the ocean.
