How many visitors do you get to your blog a day?
I get anywhere from 0-10 visitors on average per day. It's pretty insane that there's that many people out there that want to read what I'm writing.... and just think I was just a small town girl and now I'm making it big.

Where do you live?
I live in North Carolina with my husband, son and two dogs

Why do you write a blog?
It started off as a way to make my fiance laugh while he's deployed in Iraq and then it turned into something more sinister where I just wanted to try to be funny and have fun doing it. I love to make people laugh in a partially anonymous way where I do not have to be held very accountable for what I say, write or do. It's fun.

Has anyone actually ever asked you a question about your blog?
Besides this one recent time where someone asked me "Would you like fries with that?" No. The three questions above I made up and thought maybe people would like to know if ever they decided to spend more than two seconds on my blog where they glance at the shitty drawings and think "wow this sucks" and move on. Thank you for reading this far, by the way, I hope you laughed.