Saturday, March 5, 2011


For those of you who have met Magoo or "Goo" you know that she's... special. For those of you who haven't met Goo, well, there's just nothing like her.

From her bright blue crossed eyes that get even more crossed when she's tired, to her fat ass that swings back and forth when she Waddle-Runs away from you, Goo is special.

She poofs for no reason, she runs into walls and she begs for weird things like apples and bananas and then never eats them. She sleeps in the middle of my bed, leaving me with no room. She's trained to come to a whistle, she used to play fetch when she wasn't so fat, when she begs she gets as close to you as she possibly can without touching you while smacking her lips and crossing her eyes. Her name used to be Mr. Magoo because I thought she was a boy, then one day she put her butt in my face and she became "Miss Magoo."

She is the one, the only, Goo.

In all honesty she is the perfect cat for me. She is probably the dumbest cat I've ever known but I love her and she loves me and we play a fun game together.

In order to gain a better vision of what kind of game we play I can only reference a real live picture rather than try to draw it myself.
and now the cartoon version:
Most of the time I just come around and she chirp meows at me and will maybe fall over for me to pet her belly. But... sometimes, well... sometimes things get a little heated.. sometimes I get a little too excited.... and, well, I lose. Yeah... I didn't think there ever could be a winner or a loser in Peek-a-boo either but Goo and I are apparently quite special.
There aren't many ways that Peek-a-boo can go wrong, I'll be honest, in retrospect this was bound to happen and I'm sure everyone else except for me saw it coming... but, no, not me! I just wanted to play Peek-a-boo... with my retarded cat. 

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