Monday, January 31, 2011

The Zoo

Today my heart feels, essentially, crushed… it sounds dramatic and I apologize but that’s just the adjective that fits. 
But I’m not writing today to complain, I knew full well what I was getting into and don’t get me wrong for a second, I wouldn’t trade the love I have for Devin for anything. I just spent two weeks with my best friend and it was amazing and to close off block leave we went to the zoo.
We had a great day trying to distract each other from the inevitable. I drank too much coffee, I sang too loud to Glee (but only for half the drive, the other half we listened to his music) :P
We had fun.
We saw a 15 ft crocodile that made me uneasy to say the least but that somehow Devin still felt the need to say “I think he is even taller than me!” to which I had no reply… I could only smile at my revelation that we both suffer from Napolean Syndrome.
  We also saw some weird gross snakes, lizards and nasties that eventually made me nauseous for the rest of the day. We saw polar bears that jumped into the water with as much grace as … as much grace as…. Me? If you know me.. that’ll mean that they were not graceful at all. Why couldn’t I come up with a metaphor right there? Or is that a simile? Effe, I don’t know, or care. I must be tired.
Anyways we finally came across a magical sign which promised many things.
What?! KOALA? WALK? Yes, what I’ve always dreamed of: walking AND Koalas.
And on our way up to enter this so-called walk of koalas I found a friend. 

 And there we stood, together, bonded in small talk. While Devin grew bored of him in a couple seconds and walked off I stood there, mesmerized by this missing link, this animal that knew human words and responded to me. I pictured myself discussing matters of consequence with my new friend; the weather, celebrities' babies,  teaching him new words and most importantly- shiny things. 
Like so many others before me I fell right into his trap of lies and deception.
There would be no long discussions into the night about shiny things and teaching him new words. Here I stood feeling bonded to this creature, once again a bird had won my trust and dare I say it? Friendship? I was hurt that he could mislead me like this.
And yet… I still felt the need to say bye…. And wave.. something I knew he wouldn't possibly understand.
 Or did he... did he really understand?


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