Tuesday, January 4, 2011


I used to have a battery operated horse where you would flip a switch and it would walk. Her name was 'Highstepper'. 
Needless to say… I was in little kid heaven. I had gained a best friend, one that I would come to play with for years. Barbie would now have someone to ride, to go camping with and, most importantly… to protect her.
‘Protect her from what?’- you may ask. Well only from the most sinister woman hating man ever… no, friends, not this time, not Ken. No, friends, this was a more sinister fiend, someone who would play the villain in most of my childhood fantasies and only sometimes the hero. What foe Barbie, Highstepper and I were faced with was none other than a New Kids on the Block doll, complete with pierced left ear and creepy rat tail at the base of his neck that I was forbidden from lopping off and, surprisingly, never did.
You see, it is finally time that this come out, my sisters were completely into NKOTB and they had gotten all four members to the group in doll form one Christmas. A picture that I know has, and will, haunt them until the day they die. When it came time to grow out of their phase and become cool teenagers I was left the remnents of what used to be the New Kids on the Block foursome. Why buy me a Ken then? I had four perfectly good look alikes, to this day I have never owned a Ken doll.
Now Barbie, Highstepper and Ken Imposter had a lot of good times. Barbie was really adventurous. She liked to camp in the kitchen and when the time was right her and K.I. would go bungee jumping down the stairwell from the banister. Because Barbie and K.I. couldn’t tie their own bungee cords the task was left to Highstepper. A fact that she used to her full advantage to off K.I.

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