Friday, February 11, 2011

Valentine's Day (a guilt trip)

Valentine's day. Whether you love it, hate it or are indifferent to it, we all have to deal with it. For some people V-day or, Singles Awareness Day (S.A.D) is like this:

A day to be reminded that all those jerks out there broke our hearts and kicked us out to the curb as soon as they were done with us.

For all the boys who didn't want to call us your girlfriend, who didn't tell your friends about us or who just kept tugging us around, driving us to the brink of insanity because we are women and we want to believe in love.

We're all picturing you like this:

You're jerks. We hate you and you don't deserve any woman.
But like most of my blogs, I digress.

Valentine's day, for some; a day to mourn the loss of what could've been, what might've been or what should've been.

For others it's a different kind of shit show.

Where you are so sickeningly in love that the rest of us can hardly stand it. Your facebook lights up with appreciation for your significant other and nothing can seem to get you down.
To all of you we are picturing you like this:

Valentine's day. It's a day, that's for sure. But who cares whether you're in love, out of love or between loves I think we can all agree that love ain't so bad.

After all it's a day about love and most people have made this day out to be about how they are single. To those nay sayers I have one thing for you: V-day is about love, we never said what kind of love, you just made it about heartbreaklove. It could be love for your mom, your dad, your sister, brother or friends.
Love is the driving force in this world, it is! I'm not making this stuff up, I'm really not. It drives us to be bitter, to be happy, to be sane. It drives us to be angry to throw things, to make up, to hold on.

Okay so maybe I might be one of these:
But, come on, how can you hate love that much? It's just one day and you can choose to be happy, or not to be happy... hell while you're sitting there hurting about being single, a large percentage of people in America are worrying about waking up being single. They've got significant others who are deployed in hostile territory. Do I really need to say more?

So give it a rest. 
Be happy. 
Have hope.
The world is only as bad as you make it to be. 

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