Tuesday, February 15, 2011


Today I encountered one of those times when it almost hurt, almost physically hurt, that I could not, for the life of me, remember what it was like to have an imagination. I mean, don’t get me wrong, I can sit there in a hailstorm and pretend that I am actually in the midst of a tiiiiiiny driving range and I’m ruining all the tiny people’s golf games. I just have to be honest though, hanging out with a five year old, one on one, made me sad.
To her the world is this magical place, Imaaaaaagination Land, where anything is possible, where anything can happen and then anything does happen.
To me the world just has what’s in it with a little funny things added. To her, the world is something full of magic and wonder. 
 We started off with playing house, we had six kids, four were babies and two were five year olds, we were the older siblings? Maybe we were parents, I’m not sure because we had a mommy living with us and the daddy was dead (I didn’t come up with that one, for the record).
We had two pets, a puppy dog and a giraffe.
We had to sleep under a blanket with all the babies and then there was a thunderstorm. Thunder is the sound of lightening, just so you know. Then the storm passed and we woke up for it to be morning. We stretched, made the bed and then it was time for breakfast.
An imaginary phone call later and we’ve been informed that a “Bad Man” is coming into our house as we speak and he only has eyes to steal our six kids and our pets. If we hide under a blanket though, he won’t see us and he will pass us by. 
 We hid. 
 Well…. I tried to hide and because I was too big to fit under the itty bitty blanket I was banished to the couch with my own blanket. My butt is huge, just so you know.
This whole while I kept asking where the bad man was, but he didn’t come until we were both were well hidden with our babies and pets in tow. After that it was time for breakfast, everybody had to have something. After breakfast it was time to go to college where we studied candy. They have candy at college, just so you know. 
I was only allowed to pretend eat the candy whereas she was allowed to for real eat the candy, but don’t tell Miss Emilia. I had the sneaking suspicion that the kids aren’t allowed to eat anywhere but in the kitchen.. so I stamped that out and told her it was her last piece.  
At the end of our time together her mom came to get her and Imaaaaaagination Land was closed down for the day.
And that is how we were saved from the Bad Man and I now have a degree in candy.


  1. Love it! I want a degree in candy :)

  2. This is awesome. That kid is lucky to have you as a babysitter. Make sure you put your degree in candy on your resume. I am sure it would make you even more appealing.
