Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Five Whole Months

It has been five whole months and I feel I must get back to blogging! But first I feel obligated to post a boring blog where I reintroduce myself, let's ease back into this relationship, after all I did abandon you for a couple months.

First of all to my two whole fans: I am sorry. I was distracted with moving across the country and getting married!

I will spare lovey details because, after all, it was awesome but I know what you're reading for and that's not to sit here and go "awe feelings!" its to laugh... or it's because you're REALLY bored.
At any rate, I may be able to succeed in the laugh department. I dunno, I'll try, it's been awhile and I feel like I'm relearning to use my little writing extension thing.

In the past five months I've moved to Georgia. Besides purchasing my first ever pair of RAIN boots and being confused by large bodies of water... there are some other things I've noticed about Georgia.


Where people are different, and those accents I do so well (ARE ACTUALLY REAL ACCENTS!)

And stores are named different things.

Where it seems that neutering and spaying your pets, although illegal not to do so, is optional.
Where I've already witnessed odd, codependent Army relationships and the idea of "codependency" isn't just something I've read about in a text book.. it's REAL.

Where I got us another dog, Ranger, who is probably the sweetest dog I've ever met.

Where it's still hard to find a job... le sigh!

On a positive note I am having fun! Being with my husband after several years of waiting. Finding a couple good friends who are independent!! Come on, I wouldn't be Leslie Freakin Reynolds if I didn't make the best of every situation I was put in, after all, it's not the place you live but you yourself who determines whether you're going to have a good time or not. :)

Welcome back, friends, I'll try to write more funny things soon.

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