Saturday, May 21, 2011

Everything I learned... I did not learn from kids, but here's what I have... so far.

When you are on a walk never pick flowers that are growing in someone else's yard because those flowers are their flowers.

If you throw dog food in the yard you can imagine that your dogs are tiny horses grazing in the grass.

Naming dogs is as simple as looking around you and saying the first object you see.

Infinity is an impossibly hard amount of time to understand like, no matter how hard you try to explain it my tiny mind can't fathom "Forever" and my dad told me that a "googleplex" is longer than infinity. So it is. Even though it's not.

I will always tell you that I can do things like spin extremely fast on a tire swing but when you spin me that fast I will throw up.

If you see a scary bug......

A side note: I don't know if you've ever seen a Child of the Earth AKA "Jeruselum Cricket" because I freaking haven't. I am fairly certain what we found was a larvae of one of these horrifying insects. It's tiny fetus like body combined with its creepy red head in conjunction with it's tiny useless little limbs still haunt me. I will never turn over a rock, ever, for fear of seeing one of these things. If you, or anyone you know, has been affected by these monsters, please have them contact the Child of the Earth Hotline at 1-800-HOLYHELLIMSCARED. It'll get better, I promise... just... give it some time.

Bandaids are basically the coolest thing I've ever seen and I will always cover myself in them.

Don't want me to have markers? I will find them.
 And this is only the stuff that I can remember..... sooo... I'm sure these little gold gem nuggets of wisdom will keep coming your way.

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