Sunday, February 24, 2013

Sadness is not Funny?

Sadness is ridiculously.... sad.

There have only been a few times in my life where I've felt this sadness wash over me and in the midst of it all my mind just can't stop being funny. To be honest it's a true testament to my amazing, never ceasing wit and if I were to take a wit test I would pass with flying colors.

Anyways; sadness. Today I feel as if no human should be allowed to feel as sad as I am right now and with every sad breakdown I find myself wishing that human emotion could be a stagnant, never changing, placid lake. But not like Lake Placid the horrifying movie where Betty White plays an old croc enthusiast and helps propogate a deadly, inexplicably massive, croc species.

Is there a sequel to that movie?

That movie is one of my favorites and I am really not embarrassed to admit it. 

Like seriously... no one tell me if there is or isn't a sequel because, in my mind, there is... and it was AWESOME.

And, to be honest with you, there's really no smooth segway from what just happened so I'll make it quick... back to my point: sadness is ridiculously sad and sometimes we get so sad that all we can do is laugh. We have done everything we can to cope, we've expected the worst, we've IMAGINED the worst and now we have to buckle down and hope for the best. We have our rain jackets on and now it's time to hope it doesn't rain.

I am sad today but I am not the only one. It's sad to think about that but makes me feel better to know I'm not alone.

What we are with our husbands is different from what we are without them. We are strong in both instances but it's comforting to have them around because we are able to let our guard down if only in between deployments. When they leave we become two people in one and that strength is incredible.

Here's to putting on our raincoats, buckling down for a storm, but looking to the sky and hoping it won't rain, but we'll be ready if it does.

And yes... I totally realize a raincoat is futile against lightening or a tornado... it's a dramatic depiction okay? Stop questioning it, enjoy and laugh.


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