Wednesday, June 5, 2013


Last night I woke up to my finger burning and itching. I knew exactly what it was and I knew what to do. I itched it, sleepily got out of bed and put on a long sleeve shirt and then I got the bug spray and sprayed myself. Sleeping under the covers when you're sprayed with 29% deet, not to mention it's hot outside, is not pleasant. It's the price you pay, however, for having an aggressive knuckle biting mosquito in your room. I woke up with my finger swollen so much that I can barely bend it; I am pretty freaking allergic. It got me to thinking, once again, what good mosquitoes are to the environment. What is their purpose? What would happen if they ceased to exist and I came to the conclusion that....

NOTHING would happen because mosquitoes are a fucking vindictive blood feeding insect with no value to anyone, anywhere. Their larvae provide food for some fish and shit, but honestly I don't really care.

I hate mosquitoes.

Only the females suck blood, they have shit in their saliva that makes you swell, and also has anticoagulant in it that keeps your blood flowing freely into their disease ridden proboscis. That's freaking fancy scientist talk for that poker thing they shove through your skin.

They spread virus' and parasites. Yellow Fever, Dengue Fever, Malaria, West Nile Virus, just to name the most popular ones that people are familiar with. Not to mention this one thing that who cares what it's called because it's hard to pronounce anyways but its the main cause of "Elephantiasus" you know that shit where there's a documentary on this guy with a huge elephant leg and he's all disfigured? A MOSQUITO did that.

There are over 3,500 species of mosquitoes and there's a FEW that won't bite us but you know what? I don't care. I seriously don't care about any of them. I hate them. I hate that when they bite me I react so strongly I basically can't use whatever appendage they've sullied with their gross, nasty mouth parts.

I am all about knowing what animals in our environment need to be protected in order to help maintain the delicate balance of an ecosystem but mosquitoes are worthless, literally blood sucking wretches, bane on my existence creatures who could all die today and nothing would happen and no one would care. In fact the world would be a better place without them.

The only good thing so far that I've noticed about them is that you can say mosquito like "Mos-kwee-toe" and that hardly makes up for their worthlessness in my eyes.